Thursday, October 13, 2011

Humans who go ''AWWWWW..!!'' at night.

Lycantrope, or generally known as werewolves, are supernatural species. In the episode, bad moon rising, Mason Lockwood transferred into a werewolf as on that night it was a full moon.


They attack human beings or any other animal on sight. 

Psychological Characteristics.

They are aggressive even in human form. For example, Tyler lockwood often had difficulty controlling his rage.The ones with the werewolf curse still latent can exhibit some supernatural traits which can be triggered by aggression, along with unusual physical strength for the person's given size. However, they cannot fully transform. 

Werewolves have higher body temperature than humans. Tyler experienced this, as he feels as if his skin on fire, when he activated his curse. Once curse is activated, their eyes turn yellow, while enraged. Just like Mason's eyes did when he stopped the fight between Tyler and Carter (Brave New World). 

It can be painful, while this curse being activated.They will transform into a canine form, when there is full moon after sunset, looking very much like a timber-wolf, only slightly larger. Their displays of supernatural strength and speed distinguished them from regular wolves.

Anyways, not all werewolves look identical. Vampires are principally their prey, but they do attack humans.Werewolf will maul, rip apart and devour their prey, whether it's human or a vampire. 

in 1864, George Lockwood attacked several humans and killed them, leaving terrible wounds on the corpse, which is much worst than some vampires would have. This is a proof when Henry tells Katherine that the wounds ''worse than anything he had ever seen before''. 


They have glowing yellow eyes with a wolf form. Werewolves, in a wolf form have different fur colours. Mason Lockwood has white and grey fur and Tyler Lockwood has black fur. Apart from the full moon, werewolves, appear the same as any other human for the rest of the month.

Triggering the werewolf curse

In order to activate their powers, a werewolf has to kill a human. Their eyes will turn yellow and powers will activate, after the curse is triggered. They will instantly become stronger and faster, as soon as the curse is triggered.

Werewolf transformation.

Only under a full moon, a werewolf will transform. Before transforming, the person is subjected to at least five hours of pain and the first transformation is quite slow.

The body of the person is twisted in an unnatural manner as bones reshape and shift to form a wolf skeleton, causing the person immense pain during the transformation. After that, the person grows, excessive body hair and become feral and huge eyes that glow yellow and fangs, then in minutes that person becomes a wolf. After a few hours, the werewolf returns to their human form. The werewolf will experience muscle aches,after the first transformation. Other werewolves can control themselves to some extent on the night of the full moon.

Powers and abilities.

Super strength: They are stronger than any human. But they are not as strong as a vampire, while in a human form. They can be more powerful than vampires when it's a full moon. Jules, a fully transformed werewolf, knocked down and overpowered Rose, a 500 years old Vampire. Another once was Damon Salvatore, a 100 plus years old vampire could barely hold Tyler Lockwood, the transforming werewolf.

Super Speed: Compared to any human and some vampires, werewolves are much faster, and they use this abilities in human and wolf form.

Heightened Senses: They have extremely keen senses of smell, sight, taste, and hearing.

Super-Agility: Werewolves can move, jump, climb and run very fast without difficulty or tiredness and they posses superhuman agility.

Accelerated healing: Werewolves bodies will hear near instantaneously, if they ever injured because they possess superhuman regenerative abilities.

Durability: Without much discomfort or injury, werewolves can take far more than humans.

Lie detection: Beware, they are able to sense if you're lying! 

Werewolf bite: Werewolves bite is extremely lethal to normal vampires, but not to an Original.

Full Moon : This is when, werewolves powers and abilities are enhanced.

Shape shifting: Under a full moon, werewolves can turn into a wolf, but they have no control over themselves.


Wolfsbane: Wolfsbane causes a werewolf to become severely weak and feverish, when digested. If a werewolf's skin is exposed to wolfsbane, it can result in burning them.

Device: It's a weapon designed to emit a high frequency noise that could only be heard by vampires and werewolves. And it's invented by Jonathan Gilbert (Enchanted by Emily Bennett)

Broken Neck: Werewolves can die instantly, by breaking their neck.

Magic: The werewolves' blood vessels can explode if witches curse and inflict supernaturals aneurysms. 

Heart extraction: Instant death can occur for werewolves if their heart is removed.

Myths: The truth is, silver does not make werewolves weak, as it only heal when wounded by silver.

Werewolves appeared in wolf forms in Bad Moon Rising, By the Light of the Moon, The Last Day and The Sun Also Rises.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Vampire Diaries-Weapons

A weapon is usually a type of harmful object in order to kill someone or physically  and emotionally hurt a victim, which could result in their death.Below , is a list of weapons in order to kill a particular species

 Wooden Stake

A wooden stake of any kind is harmful and also fatal to vampire .Alaric and John both own a gun which shoots them presumably made by them as well.Logan Fell also owned a hand guin filled with wooden bullets.In order to heal the wound , it depends how old the vampire is and therefore it will heal faster then one that isn't  as old and doesn't feel on human blood than one that does.Stakes through the heart are instantly.It'll cause the vampire to feel the wood going through their skin and eventually they will die..Any types of wood also works, it can range from wooden pencils to tree branches.

Vervain Darts


The darts contain a herb called "vervain", which is almost deadly to vampires and it can also weaken them to the point of death.Some of the Tomb vampireswere killed or weaken by the darts in the house of Samantha Gibbons where they compelled her to let them stay there and feed on her.Most of the darts were made by Alaric Saltzman and can be shot from the shot gun, as that wood can.Elena also stabbed a dart into Stefan and Frederick.They are usually kept in a silver dart with a long point , in order for them to be hit with it.When hit, the vampire will instantly get a reaction to the herb and it will weaken them.

Vervain Bomb


The Vervain Bomb was designed again, by Alaric Saltzman.Elena used it when she was kidnapped by Rose and Trevor in order to break the curse.He tried to capture her as well, however she took the bomb out of her jacket and threw at him straight.This resulted in him getting weakened for a couple of minutes and red scabs and veins start to appear all over his face.After that Stefan and Damon came in and "staked"Elijah.However it was later revealed it didnt kill him fully.Therefore it was totally useless on him and sadly wasted.
The Vervain bomb's use on other vampires still hasn't been shown but it is expected that they are more useful than against an original vampire.

The vampire Device


The device was created by Johnathan Gilbert and was later spelled by Emily Bennett in order for it work.When activated , it lets off a high pitch frequency within a five mile radius causing the vampires to become exposed so that guards will inject them with vervan, weakening them.The device nearly killed Damon and Stefan, however it did kill most of the Tomb vampires when it went off and jeremy's gf, Anna which ultimately caused him to take Anna's blood and kill himself in order for him to turn into a vampire as well.The weakened vampires were then kidnapped, dragged into a abandoned doctor's office , drenched with petrol and set on fire, burning all of them alive beyond recognition



The device also work on werewolves as well.Unknowingly, when the device was activated , it caused Richard Lockwood and his son, Tyler Lockwood to hear the noise.Richard was first to go down, as it was seen that he passes out due to not being able to hear the noise , the deputies then injected vervain to him.Tyler was then affected while driving Caroline and Matt home, the noises started to effect him, however there was more than five miles away, hinting that werewolves have better hearing than vampires .He suddenly got a migraine and the pain was so unbearable he couldn't control the driving , and ultimately crash into a wall.

The Originals



The only absolute way to kill an Original Vampire , is to stab them in the heart with a dagger coated in while oak ash wood .It is presumably lethal to them and will of course , kill them instantly.However if you take it out of the body , the vampire still stays dead however with the dagger , the originals can come back to life, and die multiple times, so therefore there is no known way to actually fully kill one so it makes them basically invulnerable and immortal.



A knife, is usually a sharp steel object using for cutting mostly food, however it has been used to kill someone or to wound someone enough to send them a message.After Katherine got into Gilbert house , she switched Jenna's vervain perfume  with regular one which caused now, to be able to compelled.Unknown to Elena or Aleric, Katherine had compelled her to stab herself in the stomach, nearing the point of death.However she got to hospital just in time.Elena also stabbed herself , to scare Elijah since he needed her for a curse in order to break it.


Bullets, are normally shot from a handgun or a rifle of some sort.It was shown that they have no effect on vampires or werewolves, however it can easily kill a human being with any supernatural powers.The overall most notable time this had happened , was when Jeremy was attempting to help Damon to the grill in order to call someone, he however didn't hear Liz Forbes walk in with a hand gun , she attempted to shoot at Damon although the last minute he moved and ultimately the bullet went straight into Jeremy's heart, killing him instantly.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to dress like the Hunks in TVD

Fashion defines your personality, fashion is what looks good on you, fashion also makes you stand out, fashion helps people understand what you're really like and makes you look unique. when we look at The Vampire Diaries we can differentiate different characters by the way they dress and look example, though Nina Dobrev plays two different characters, we can still tell the difference of when she plays Katherine piers and when she's Elina Gilbert just by the way they dress.

Stefan Salvatore and Damon Salvatore:
Lets first of all look at the vampire brother's style, as we can see below they are both in dark colored clothes, this is an important fact to the Vampire world, it symbolizes who they are, a symbol of dark mystery and danger it also explains their species if you think deeper. They like to dress in dark clothes most of the time but they do not dress alike. 

Back in the day: 
When you want to show the past, depending on it's time it is important to show the difference in clothing, we all know as the time changes fashion changes. So here is how the brothers look back in the 1800's when they show the flash back scenes. As we can see Damon there the elder brother is dressed like a soldier, he was supposed to go to a war but didn't because he wanted to spend more time with Katherine Piers.

Damon's style:
The stylist of the show Jennifer Bryan said she had to make sure she doesn't dress them alike and so Damon is dressed in a sense that his clothes must have a sense of timeliness so his wears things that exist back then but also have a modern touch in to it so he wears a lot of round neck t-shirts and collared, button-front shirts, Levi jeans and leather jackets.

Stefan's style:
For Stefan, who's chosen to live a more normal life among some of the mortals, his wardrobe is all about allowing him to blend in. He's trying to fit in the high-school environment so he must wear clothes that will allow him to blend in and cover his secret, he wear a plaid prints and hoodies with a some color.

How to Get The Look of the ladies in TVD


"Elena has a simple , classic high school look, It's fitted jeans with tops, either scoop or v-neck, in solid colors with some texture.  It's her little connection to the past. Because she wears the vervain (a herb said to keep away vampires) around her neck, she always has her neckline clear, no high collars. That's what protects her from the dark side of Stefan."

"She is like a young earth mother because she is the one who is in touch with her supernatural side and aware of her powers. "She and her grandmother both have a bohemian, free-spirit feel. The jeans and skirts are with little sweaters and peasant blouses with little necklaces. It's natural fabrics and easy cuts that are little folksy and hippy and coolly spiritual."


"She's a chirpy and  optimistic. Her look is a little Junior League on steroids. She gets thigh-high socks, and we use color on her: pinks, turquoise and plaids. But they're not Easter-egg colors. Those shades are still in darker hues so they're not out of the palette of the whole The Vampire Diaries feel.

Monday, September 19, 2011


This is them before they were turned into vampires.

This is how they look when they turn into vampires:



 To start with Stefan vampire, but a vegetarian one, he doesn't drink human blood, he drinks rabbits' instead, and he also writes diaries. 100++ years old and he used to be in love with a vampire-girl named Katherine Pierce, who looks exactly like Elena Gilbert.
And Damon
He's Stefan's brother, but he drinks human blood. He used to be in love with Katherine Pierce also but she loved Stefan, not him. And now he's in love with Elena Gilbert, but once again, she loves Stefan and not him. Poor Damon, that's why he acts as if he's the bad guy but he's actually a good guy.

Description of ELENA AND KATHERINE according to the series.

                                                                                      Elena Gilebert  lives with her younger brother, Jeremy Gilbert, and her aunt, Jenna Sommers, who became her legal guardian after her parents died in a car crash. Her best friend is Bonnie Bennett, who later discovers she is a witch, and she is frenemies with Caroline Forbes, although when Caroline is turned into a vampire they become good friends. Before the beginning of the series she was in a relationship with Matt Donovan, who still carries a torch for her in the beginning of the series. She later begins a relationship with Stefan Salvatore, whom she discovers is a vampire. Stefan's brother Damon also falls in love with Elena. At the end of season one, Elena discovers that her parents aren't actually her biological parents, but that she is actually the daughter of John Gilbert, who she thought was her uncle, and Isobel Flemming, who was turned into a vampire. In season two she learns that she is a Petrova doppelgänger, just like Katherine Pierce, which means that she has to be sacrificed to release Klaus' werewolf side. The sacrifice later happens, but Elena is saved, because John sacrificed himself for her after being put under a spell by Bonnie. However, her aunt Jenna is turned in to a vampire and, as part of the sacrifice, is killed by Klaus, leaving Elena without a guardian. In the season two finale, while Damon is dying due to a werewolf bite, she forgives him for forcing her to drink his blood and kisses him with the thought that it might be Damon's last day, however Damon gets cured by drinking Klaus' blood.



Katherine since season one, is one of the main antagonists of the series. Originally known as Katerina Petrova, she was born in Bulgaria in the late 15th century and later banished to England after having an illegitimate child. Upon meeting Klaus and Elijah, two of the "original vampires", she found out that she is a Petrova Doppelganger, which means that she has to be sacrificed to release Klaus' werewolf side. She used a vampire named Trevor, who'd fallen in love with her, to escape and tricked vampire Rose into turning her, so she would no longer break the curse. Klaus, however, wanted revenge, so she spent her entire life running from him. Hundreds of years later, Katherine arrived in Mystic Falls, where both Stefan Salvatore and Damon Salvatore fell in love with her. When all the vampires in Mystic Falls were rounded up, she escaped. During her stay in Mystic Falls she had given Damon and Stefan her blood and turned them into vampires after they were shot. Damon, who thought Katherine was locked up in a tomb, spent 145 years loving her and trying to find a way to free her. When he does, he finds out that she is not in the tomb and was alive this entire time. In the last episode of season one, Katherine returns to Mystic Falls. She tells Damon that she has always been in love with Stefan and tries to break up the relationship between Stefan and Elena Gilbert, Katherine's descendant and the current Petrova Doppelganger. It is later revealed that her real reason for returning is to get the moonstone and offer it and Elena to Klaus, in order to be free from him. However she is locked up in a tomb by Stefan and Damon, which has a spell that makes sure vampires can't leave and when the spell is broken, she is compelled by Elijah to stay. However Elijah gets killed and Katherine becomes free again, but she chooses to start helping Stefan and Damon. When Klaus comes to Mystic Falls, he kidnaps her and keeps her in Alaric's apartment, where he tortures her. However he later tells her that she can leave, telling Stefan that she won't be far.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Okay so for those of you who don't know what The Vampire diaries is all about, HAVE NO FEAR! because you will find it all in here.
The vampire diaries is about 2 blood thirst brothers Damon and Stephan Salvatore who have been pretending to live normal life for over 150 years now. for centuries they have been living normal human lives but they must move from one place to another before anyone can notice their non-aging hot mind blowing bodies. Since Damon and Stephan became Vampires they have been separated and on to hating each other ever since, Damon on the other hand has a reason to hate his younger brother Stephen as he was the one who forced him to drink human blood so he could turn in to a Vampire while they were still on transition and since then Stephen who is noble and a good man is in denial to drink human blood to avoid killing mostly because of what he made his brother become- a blood thirst monster who cant control the urge to drink human blood. Damon is the evil one at the beginning of the serie but as the serie continues we get  to see the good side of him and no matter what evil Damon does Stephen can't hate him... lets just say blood is thicker than water =)

Stephan Salvatore (Paul Wesley)

Stephen goes back to their town Mystic Falls where they lived before they became Vampires, tries to settle a life as a normal teenager by attending high school and falls in love with a school girl Elena
whose best friend is a witch, like her grandma. Mystic falls becomes the target town for vampires with the return of Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Where Damon as said above -the dashing, gorgeous, irresistible and dangerous brother makes Stefan's life a misery while trying to steal his girlfriend, Elena. We later find out  the deep history from 1800s that Damon was determined to rescue the Salvatore brothers' old love, Katherine, who was a vampire at that time and who looks exactly like Elena.

Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev)

Elena is clueless at the beginning but the more Damon hangs around the town the more secrets start to be revealed, she finds out about Damon and Stephan's secret but she later learns to accept them and keeps falling deeper and deeper for Stephan's love. She then finds out that her best friend Barney is a witch and her other best friend gets turned in to a vampire, her friend Taylor is a ware-wolf. Elena's life then becomes darker  and complicated as the more Stephan and Damon hang around, the more her friends and family and all the people she loves become the center of danger especially after finding out that she's the doppelganger of Katherine Piers (Damon and Stephan's past lover)... more Blood spills as more vampires and ware-wolves visit Mystic falls and After being on the run for over 150 years Katherine returns to Mystic falls. Elena's goal is to now help and keep her friends and family out of danger even if it means getting herself killed but its also up to Damon and Stephan to help her and save her life with the help of Elena's witch friend Barney. But will she be saved and keep all her friends and family safe...??

Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder)

The Vampire Diaries trailler

and catch the updates of season 3 here on bloodaholics blogspot as the new season starts kicking next week on Thursday 15th september.